According to Bruce Schneier, there are four general types of cryptanalytic attacks, each of which assumes that the cryptanalyst has complete knowledge of the encryption algorithm. Which of the following emphasizes that the cryptanalyst’s job is to recover the plaintext of as many messages as possible, or better yet to deduce the key (or keys) used to encrypt the messages, in order to decrypt other messages encrypted with the same keys? (Wentz QOTD)
A. Ciphertext-only attack
B. Known-plaintext attack
C. Chosen-plaintext attack
D. Chosen-ciphertext attack
根據 Bruce Schneier 的說法,有四種一般類型的密碼分析攻擊,每一種都假設破密分析者完全了解加密算法。 以下哪項強調破碼分析員的工作是盡可能多地恢復消息的明文,或者更好地推斷用於加密消息的密鑰(或多個密鑰),以便解密使用相同密鑰加密的其他消息? (Wentz QOTD)
A. 只有密文攻擊
B. 已知明文攻擊
C. 選擇明文攻擊
D. 選擇密文攻擊

根據密碼學大學Bruce Schneier的說法, 只有密文攻擊, 已知明文攻擊, 選擇明文攻擊, 及選擇密文攻擊等都可以用來破解Key(即deduce the key), 但有二個是比較特別的:
- 只有密文攻擊: 雖然可用來破解key, 但它主要是還原明文為主.
- 選擇密文攻擊: 破解key, 但主要是針對非對稱式加密
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